[Giovanni Battista].  Italian art critic, born at Legnago, on the 22nd of January 1819; early visited the art centers of Italy, and in 1846 went to Germany, where he met J. A. Crowe, with whom he returned to Italy. Banished for his share in the revolution of 1848, he accompanied Crowe to London, where their first joint work, Early Flemish Painters (1857; 3d ed. 1879), was published. Cavalcaselle returned to Italy in 1858, and in 1861 commenced, with Crowe, the History of Painting in Italy (London; 5 vols., 1864–71). Other joint works are Titian (1876) and Raphael (1883). Cavalcaselle became head of the art department in the Ministry of Public Instruction at Rome, inspector of the National Museum at Florence, and of the Museum of Antiquities at Rome. He ied in Rome in November 1897.