American soldier, born in Williamson County, TN, on the 8th of June 1806; graduated at the University of Nashville, 1827; became a lawyer at Columbia; and was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention in 1844, aiding materially in the nomination of James K. Polk. In 1846 he was made a brigadier-general of Tennessee volunteers, and served in the Mexican War, taking a prominent part. He commanded the right wing at Cerro Gordo, being wounded; and in 1847 was made major-general. He was present at Churubusco, Molino del Rey and Chapultepec, at the latter being severely wounded. In 1848 he was honorably discharged. He then practiced law in his own state; and as a member of the Nashville convention of 1850 was not in favor of extreme measures. In 1861 he raised a regiment of volunteers for the Confederate army, and was appointed brigadier-general, and commanded at Belmont, November 7, 1861. At Fort Donelson he was second in command to General John B. Floyd, and escaped with his chief, leaving General Buckner to surrender the place to General Grant. He afterwards served with General Beauregard in the Southwest. He died in Lee County, AR, on the 6th of October 1878.