French general, born at Gazeran (Seine et Oise) on the 8th of April 1862. He joined the ranks of the 20th regiment of Chasseurs in April 1880, and did not enter the military academy of St. Cyr until October 1881. He was first commissioned (in Oct. 1883) in the 102nd infantry regiment. Two years later he was promoted lieutenant and was transferred to a native (Tonkin) unit, with which he first saw active service. He became a captain in June 1889, and shortly afterwards was again on active service in Madagascar. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel in December 1902 and colonel (of the 96th infantry regiment) in June 1907. Five years later (March 1912) he was made a general of brigade, and in 1913 was sent to Morocco. On the outbreak of the World War he was given command of the 1st Moroccan division, which he held during the battle of the Marne. In September 1914 he was made a temporary general of division. On October 27th following he was confirmed in his rank and given command of the XXXII. Army Corps. On July 22, 1915, he took over the III. Army—a command which he held continuously for four years, except for a small break October 15 to 23, 1918—when he commanded the VII. Army. In October 1919 he was appointed governor of Strassburg and commandant of the Alsace territory, and in the January following was made a member of the Superior War Council. He was appointed a Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour on July 10, 1918.