American traveler and author, born at Havre, France, in 1780. From 1834 to 1835 he made a geological report of part of the Western territories of the United States, and had in view the construction of a geological map of the entire country, but such a project was not entertained by Congress until 1887. He was appointed by the British government as boundary commissioner, under the Ashburton treaty, to settle the northern boundary of the United States. For these services he was made British consul for Calvados and Seine, France. His works include Geological Report of the Elevated Country between the Missouri and the Red River (1835); Geological Reconnaissance in 1835, front Green Bay to Coteau de Prairie (1836); Excursion Through the Slave States (1844); Canoe Voyage Up the Minnay Sotor (1847); and Observations on the Ashburton Treaty (1842). He died at Havre, France, on the 28th of September 1866.