American public man, born at Stenton, PA, on the 9th of September 1753. He studied medicine at Edinburgh, and then traveled a year on the Continent, returning in 1780. In 1798 he went to France, on his own responsibility, as a peacemaker between that country and his own, and succeeded in having the embargo on American shipping removed. On his return he was denounced by the Federalists, who secured the passage of a bill through Congress making it a high misdemeanor for a private citizen to take part in a controversy between the United States and a foreign power. Dr. Logan was in the United States Senate from 1801 to 1807, and went to England in 1810, on his own responsibility, to try and avert war, but was unsuccessful. He devoted much time to scientific agriculture, upon which subject he wrote several papers. He died at Stenton on the 9th of April 1821.