Scottish Roman Catholic divine, born at Edinburgh on the 24th of August 1729. He was accused of sympathizing with the rebellion of 1745 and served a term of imprisonment 1746–1747. He then entered the Roman Catholic Church, studied in the Scots College at Rome, and in 1759 accompanied John Geddes (1735–1799), afterwards bishop of Morocco, on a Scottish mission. Ten years later he was appointed bishop of Daulis in partibus and coadjutor to Bishop James Grant (1706–1778). In 1778 he became vicar apostolic of the lowland district. During the Protestant riots in Edinburgh in 1779 his furniture and library were destroyed by fire. From 1788 to 1793 he was in charge of the Scalan seminary; in 1802 he retired to that of Aquhorties near Inverury which he had founded in 1799. He died there on the 15th of October 1811.


  His theological works, including The Sincere Christian, The Devout Christian, The Pious Christian and The Scripture Doctrine of Miracles, were edited by Bishop Strain in 1871–1873.