British manufacturer and philanthropist, born on the 19th of September 1839 at Edgbaston, Birmingham, the son of Quaker parents, and was brought up a member of that Society. In 1861 when he succeeded to the cocoa business known later as Cadbury Brothers Ltd., it gave employment to twelve workers only, but under the management of himself and his brother Richard it developed rapidly, and in 1879 he founded for the employees the garden village of Bournville, which served as a model for other social ventures of the kind. In 1919 when Cadbury Brothers Ltd. amalgamated with the firm J. S. Fry & Son of Bristol, they employed in all 4,000 people. Mr. Cadbury became chief proprietor of the Daily News in 1901, and his family also acquired an interest in the Star in 1909. The connection of the Cadburys and other Quaker families with these Liberal and Free Trade organs caused them to be dubbed by opponents the “cocoa press.”


  His second wife, Elizabeth Cadbury (m. 1888), associated herself with her husband’s philanthropic undertakings at Bournville and elsewhere, besides holding many responsible positions on her own account. She was president of the N.U.W.W. and also of the midland division of the Y.W.C.A., and was the author of several papers on housing and other social questions. She was made O.B.E. in January 1918.