English author and reviewer, born in Ovenden, Yorkshire, on the 17th of May 1841, and educated at the British Lancastrian School in Halifax. Going to London in 1864, he was engaged on the staff of the Globe and afterward on the Echo, in the meantime contributing literary articles to the Edinburgh Review. His contributions later became extended over a wide range of periodicals. His critical, literary and biographical articles are to be found in the Cornhill Magazine, Fraser’s and Macmillan’s Magazines, the Fortnightly and British Quarterly Reviews, and this Encyclopædia, for which he wrote the article on Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Some of his larger works include Life of Mr. Gladstone (1879); The Prime Ministers of Queen Victoria; History of the English Parliament (1894). In addition to his writings he edited Illustrated British Ballads. (See authored article: Edme Patrice Maurice, comte de MacMahon.)