German chemist, born at Breslau on the 15th of September 1839. He studied at Heidelberg (under R. W. Bunsen) and Breslau, graduating at the latter university in 1859. Turning his attention to technical chemistry, he became chemist at several works both in Germany and England, and in 1876 he was appointed professor of technical chemistry at Zurich polytechnic. Lunge’s original contributions cover a very wide field, dealing both with technical processes and analysis. In addition, he was a voluminous writer, enriching scientific literature with many standard works. His treatises Coal Tar and Ammonia (5th ed., 1909; 1st ed., 1867), Destillation des Steinkohlentheers and Sulphuric Acid and Alkali (1st ed., 1878; 4th ed., 1909), established his position as the highest authority on these subjects, while the Chemische-technische Untersuchungs-Methoden (1899–1900; Eng. trans.), to which he contributed, testified to his researches in technical analysis. His jubilee was celebrated at Zurich on the 15th of September 1909.