English Jewish philanthropist, a member of the London financial firm, Mocatta and Goldsmid, but retired from business in 1874 and devoted himself to works of public and private benevolence. Besides this he was a patron of learning and himself an author of historical works, the chief of which was The Jews and the Inquisition. On occasion of his seventieth birthday, he was presented with a testimonial from more than 200 philanthropic and literary institutions. The Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition (1887) owed its inception to him. He bequeathed his fine library to the Jewish Historical Society of England, of which he was at one time president. This library formed the basis of the collections which are now included in the Mocatta Library and Museum, founded in his memory, and located at the University of London (University College, Gower Street).


  See Trans. Jewish Hist. Soc. Eng. vol. v.