[Frederic William Nicholls].  Song and ballad composer, born in London, England, on the 31st of July 1808, son of a violoncello-player. When a youth he sang in concerts, and received instruction in music from William Watts, of the London Philharmonic Society. He played in the orchestras of the London theaters, and directed the royal band at the coronation of William IV. In 1849 he removed to the United States and gave concerts in various parts of the country. On the outbreak of the Civil War, happening to be in Charleston, he joined the Confederates. He subsequently settled in Baltimore. When a boy he composed his famous and popular song, Kathleen Mavourneen. Green and Gold was written in honor of Robert Emmet’s birth, and was sung in New York City, March 4, 1896. He died in Portland, ME, on the 18th of August 1896.