German historian, born at Paderborn, Westphalia, on the 15th of October 1818. He studied at the Halle, Munich, Freiburg and Berlin; traveled extensively in Europe, Canada and the United States in 1846–47; took part in the political movements of 1848, and was imprisoned by the Prussian government; was acquitted in a short time; was professor at Göttingen until 1855, when he went to Munich as professor and secretary of the academy. He founded the Westphalia Zeitung in 1848, and became known as the author of Das System des Preussischen Landrechts (1852); Fürsten und Städte zur Zeit der Hohenstaufen (1846); Land und Leute in der Alten und Neuen Welt (1857–58); Jakobæa von Baiern (1861); Neapel und Sicilien (1864); Griech. Küstenfahrten (1876); Russlands Werden und Wollen (1881); and Kulturgeschichte der Deutschen im Mittelalter (1891). He died on the 2nd of March 1892.