American economist, born at St. Louis, MO, on the 28th of December 1859. He was educated in his native city and at Harvard University, where he became professor of political economy in 1892. He has made a particular study of finance, and has written Tariff History of the United States (1888); The Silver Situation in the United States (1892); Wages and Capital (1896). He was for some time editor of the American Quarterly Journal of Economics.


  Taussig was during 1917–9 chairman of the U.S. Tariff Commission, which made a special study of commercial treaties and prepared much material for the American Peace Commission in Paris. In March 1919 he was called to Paris to advise in the adjustment of commercial treaties, and in November, on invitation of President Wilson, attended the second industrial conference in Washington for promoting peace between capital and labour. He was a strong supporter of the Covenant of the League of Nations. He was the author of Principles of Economics (1911; 2nd ed., 1915); Some Phases of the Tariff Question (1915); Investors and Money-Makers (1915); and Free Trade, the Tariff, and Reciprocity (1919).