American soldier, born in Providence, RI, on the 8th of May 1833; educated at Brown University as a civil engineer; engaged on the United States and Mexican boundary and other government surveys; became first-lieutenant in First United States Cavalry in 1855, and lieutenant-colonel of volunteers in July 1861. He was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers, November 1862; commanded a brigade at Marye Heights and Salem Heights, May 3–4, 1863; a division at Gettysburg; of a brigade of the Sixth Corps from the battles of the Wilderness to front of Petersburg, and of a division from September 20, 1864, to the close of the war. He was brevetted from lieutenant-colonel to major-general for gallantry in battle; mustered out of volunteer service, April 30, 1866; appointed major Second Cavalry, November 5, 1863, and through the regular grades of promotion became a brigadier-general, April 18, 1892.