Colored bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, born of free colored parents in Albany, NY, on the 5th of December 1809. When fifteen years old he was converted and studied for the ministry, showing such ability in his work among his own people that he was sent, in 1834, on the Liberian mission. Here he remained for ten years. In 1844 he visited the United States, and was ordained deacon in Brooklyn and elder in Mulberry Street Church, New York City; he returned to his work in Africa, where he was made presiding elder of Cape Palmas district, and opened an academy at Monrovia in 1851. He was made superintendent of missions, and on his second return to the United States, in 1858, was ordained missionary bishop. After nearly five years more in Africa, he returned to the United States on account of ill health. He died in Baltimore, MD, on the 18th of April 1863.