Spanish fabulist, born at Laguardia (Álava) on the 12th of October 1745, and educated at Valladolid. A government appointment was secured for him by his uncle the count de Peñaflorida. His Fábulas (1781–1784), one hundred and fifty-seven in number, were originally written for the boys educated in the school founded by the Biscayan Society. In the first instalment of his fables he admits that he had taken Iriarte for his model, a statement which proves that he had read Iriarte’s fables in manuscript; he appears, however, to have resented their publication in 1782, and this led to a rancorous controversy between the former friends. Samaniego holds his own in the matters of quiet humour and careless grace, and his popularity continues. He died at Laguardia on the 11th of August 1801.