American statesman, born in Berkeley County, VA, on the 11th of September. He was educated by Dr. Joseph Priestly at Bardstown Academy, studied law, and achieved a great reputation as a criminal lawyer. He was chosen a member of the Kentucky constitutional convention in 1779; was a member of the legislature from 1799 to 1806; in the latter year was appointed a judge of the supreme court of errors and appeals, and in 1807 became chief justice. This position he soon after resigned, removing to Nashville, TN. He was a member of Congress from 1811 to 1814, United States Senator from 1829 to 1838, and Attorney-General in Van Buren’s Cabinet. In 1840 he resigned his position in the Cabinet and was re-elected to the Senate. He died in Nashville, TN, on the 19th of December 1840.