American clergyman and author, born in Middleboro, MA, on the 12th of February 1749; graduated at Yale, in 1773; settled as pastor of the Congregational Church at Plympton, MA, from 1775 to 1796; Revolutionary army chaplain at Cambridge, in 1775; one of the judges of the court of Columbia County, in 1814, which office he soon resigned. He was associate editor from 1801 to 1804 of The Balance; edited the Connecticut Courant in 1804–05. His publications include Sermon Before Colonel Cotton’s Regiment (1775); Thanksgiving Discourse (1795); The Beauties of the Bible (1802); The Sham Patriot Unmasked (1803); The Historical Dictionary (1804); The Brief Remarker on the Ways of Man (1817). He died in New York City on the 12th of December 1823.