American soldier, born in Batavia, Genesee County, NY, on the 27th of August 1839. He was partially educated at Oberlin, and graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1861. He served in the war, during the first year at Fort Washington, then in the Peninsular campaign, and commanded a battery of artillery in the Maryland campaign; was in the campaign before and took part in the battle of Antietam; was in the subsequent Rapidan campaign; led a brigade during the battle of the Wilderness, and was transferred to the West, in command of a division of cavalry, in the latter part of 1864. After the reconstruction of the army he was made lieutenant-colonel; was commandant of cadets at West Point (1875); on duty in Asia (1875–77); and served on the board to codify army regulations (1877–81). He died in San Francisco on the 15th of March 1881. He published A New System of Infantry Tactics (1874); The Armies of Asia and Europe (1878), and left partially finished a work on The Military Policy of the United States.