German physician and educator, born at Königsberg, Prussia, on the 6th of February 1834; studied successively at the universities of Würzburg, Jena and Berlin, where he became the assistant of Virchow at the Pathological Institute; professor of pathological anatomy at the Berne University in 1866; served as surgeon in the Prussian army in 1870–71; but at the close of the war returned to Switzerland to care for the typhus-stricken soldiers of Bourbaki’s army, who had taken refuge within the frontiers of the Helvetian republic. Dr. Klebs became well known for his studies on diphtheria, smallpox, and gunshot wounds. He was successively professor at the Würzburg, Prague and Zurich universities. He wrote Handbuch der Pathologischen Anatomie (1867–78); Beiträge zur Pathologischen Anatomie der Schusswunden (1872); Studien über die Verbreitung des Kretinismus in Oesterreich (1877); Ueber die Umgestaltung der Medizinal-Anschauungen in der Letzten Drei Jahrzehnten (1877).