American naval officer; born in Portland, ME, on the 15th of August 1761. He entered the American navy in 1778; was taken prisoner in 1779, but was released in time to render valuable aid in the Winthrop. He was commissioned a lieutenant in 1798, and captain in 1799. He commanded the Essex in a cruise to China, and in 1803 was sent in the Constitution to command the expedition against the Barbary states. He compelled the Sultan of Morocco to accede to the demands of the United States, and in 1804 attacked Tripoli. He was so successful in his attacks that the Pasha sued for peace, and signed a treaty with Commodore Barron, Preble’s successor, in which he renounced all demands for tribute, and liberated the captives held by him. Preble was relieved by Barron, September 10, 1804, and upon his return to the United States was given a vote of thanks by Congress. He died in Portland on the 25th of August 1807.