British jurist and politician. Born in Scotland on the 28th of October 1845, and educated at Oxford, he became a fellow of Corpus Christi College in 1872; he was called to the English bar, and became well known as a jurist, filling the posts of examiner in jurisprudence at Oxford, professor of Roman law at London University, and reader in law to the council of legal education. He was Liberal member for Dundee from 1885 until he was raised to the peerage in 1908. In 1892 he became a civil lord of the Admiralty, and in 1906 was secretary to the Admiralty. His writings include a book on American Home Rule, and numerous articles on legal and constitutional subjects in the Enyclopædia Britannica. He died at Canterbury on the 13th of September 1911. (See authored article: Henry Hallam.)