[David Goodman].  American journalist, born in New York City on the 3rd of November 1829. He studied at the New York University, and, after being connected with New York City and other daily journals, became city editor of the New York World and then the managing editor, which post he resigned in 1871. He was next managing editor until 1878 of the New York Graphic. He married, in 1856, Miss Jane Cunningham (“Jennie June”). He published Seymour and Blair: Their Lives and Services, with an appendix containing A History of Reconstruction (1868); Campaign Lives of Seymour and Blair, an abridgment of the former (1868); A Positivist’s Primer (1876); Glimpses of the Future: Suggestions as to the Drift of Things (1888). He died on the 29th of April 1889.