American architect, born at Henderson, NY, on the 4th of September 1846. At the age of ten he moved to Chicago, and was educated there and at Waltham, MA. He worked as an architect in various offices in Chicago, and in 1871 formed a partnership with John W. Root. To them was entrusted the planning of the Chicago World’s Fair (1893). On the death of Root this work fell wholly upon Burnham, who in 1891 formed with C. B. Atwood a partnership known as D. H. Burnham & Co. In 1894 he was elected president of the American Institute of Architects. His success with the Chicago World’s Fair buildings soon led to his being called upon to design structures in many cities. Of these may be mentioned “The Rookery,” the Great Northern hotel, the Masonic Temple, and the Railway Exchange, in Chicago; the “Flatiron Building,” and new Wanamaker’s store, in New York; the Pennsylvania railway station in Pittsburgh; Filene’s store in Boston; the Union station in Washington and Selfridge’s in London. He also was asked to propose plans for improving several cities, including Cleveland (1903), San Francisco (1905, after the earthquake), Chicago (1909), and Baltimore. In 1905 he was asked by the U.S. Government to design plans for cities in the Philippines, including Manila. He was made chairman of the national committee appointed for beautifying Washington, DC. He died in Heidelberg, Germany, on the 1st of June 1912.