American publisher, born at Portland, ME, on the 18th of June 1850. He was educated in the public schools of Portland, sold newspapers when a boy, and in 1870 joined a Boston paper as advertising solicitor. In 1876 he went to Philadelphia and became a publisher of the Tribune and Farmer, a weekly paper. In 1883 he established the Ladies’ Home Journal, and in 1891 organized the Curtis Publishing Company. In 1897 he purchased the Saturday Evening Post, which was a direct continuation of the Pennsylvania Gazette, founded in 1728 by Benjamin Franklin, and in 1911 he bought the Country Gentleman. The Ladies’ Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post attained a circulation of 2,000,000 each, and probably carried more paid advertising than any other publications in the world. For this reason, although the cost of producing a copy of the Saturday Evening Post was many times its selling price to the public (5 cents), this magazine was highly profitable to the publisher. In 1913 he purchased the Philadelphia Public Ledger.