[Charles Émile].  French writer of Spanish parentage, born in Paris on the 5th of December 1832. After having studied architecture and been appointed inspector, he abandoned this profession for journalism, as being more in accord with his tastes, and went, in 1859, to the seat of the Spanish war in Morocco as correspondent of the Monde Illustré. In 1860–61, he served in the war in Italy in the same capacity. He became editor-in-chief of the Monde Illustré in 1862; resigned his position in 1871 for the purpose of traveling and the study of the history of art. He was appointed inspector of the École des Beaux-Arts in 1881. Among his literary works are war and society sketches in Paris and elsewhere. Life-studies during the period of the Italian renaissance: La Vie d’un Patricien de Venise au XVIe Siècle (1874); César Borgia (2 vols., 1888). Works pertaining to the history of art: La Sculpture Italienne au XVe Siècle (1885); J. F Millet (1885). Historical sketches, Les Princes d’Orléans (1872). Yriarte wrote for Figaro and other French periodicals and contributed the article Venice to this Encyclopædia.