American naval officer, born at Philadelphia, PA, on the 28th of July 1778, of poor Irish parents. At the age of thirteen he shipped as cabin boy on a merchant vessel, and soon commanded a ship in the India trade. He entered the United States navy in March 1798 as lieutenant on the frigate “United States,” and in 1800, when in command of the “Experiment,” took the French privateers “Deux Amis” and “Diane.” In 1802–4 he served against Tripoli, first as executive officer of the “Constellation” and then as commander of the “Siren.” In 1806 he became a captain. From 1808 to 1812 he was in the merchant service, but on the outbreak of hostilities against Great Britain returned to the navy, and with Commander William Bainbridge is said to have persuaded President Madison to send the navy to sea instead of using it only for harbour defence. Placed in the command of the “Constellation,” he was closely blockaded at Norfolk, VA. In 1813 he was placed in command of the “Constitution,” and in February 1815 captured the “Cyane” and the “Levant,” though the “Levant” was retaken. Later he commanded the Mediterranean squadron, the Pacific squadron, the home squadron and the Philadelphia navy yard. He was retired in 1855, and became rear-admiral on the retired list in 1862. He died in Bordentown, NJ, on the 6th of November 1869. His daughter, Delia Tudor, married, in 1834, John Henry Parnell, and became the mother of the Irish leader, Charles Stewart Parnell.