[called The Good (le Bon), or The Dane].  Count of Flanders, only son of St. Canute or Knut IV., king of Denmark, by Adela, daughter of Robert the Frisian, count of Flanders; born about 1084. After the assassination of Canute in 1086, his widow took refuge in Flanders, taking with her her son. Charles was brought up by his mother and grandfather, Robert the Frisian, on whose death he did great services to his uncle, Robert II., and his cousin, Baldwin VII., counts of Flanders. Baldwin died of a wound received in battle in 1119, and, having no issue, left by will the succession to his countship to Charles the Dane. Charles did not secure his heritage without a civil war, but he was speedily victorious and made his position secure by treating his opponents with great clemency. He now devoted himself to promoting the welfare of his subjects, and did his utmost to support the cause of Christianity, both by his bounty and by his example. He well deserved the surname of Le Bon, by which he is known to posterity. He refused the offer of the crown of Jerusalem on the death of Baldwin, and declined to be nominated as a candidate for the imperial crown in succession to the emperor Henry V. He was murdered in the church of St. Donat at Bruges on the 2nd of March 1127.


  See J. Perneel, Histoire du règne de Charles le Bon, précédé d’un résumé de l’histoire de Flandres (Brussels, 1830).