[Georg Amadeus Carl Friedrich].  German mineralogist and geologist, born at Dresden on the 30th of May 1797, the son of a distinguished musician and composer. He received his early education at Pforta, studied at Freiberg under Werner, and afterwards at Leipzig and Jena. He graduated at Jena, and was occupied in 1823 in teaching in that town and in 1824 at Leipzig. In 1826 he succeeded Mohs as professor of crystallography, in 1835 he became professor also of geognosy at Freiberg; and in 1842 he was appointed professor of mineralogy and geognosy in the university of Leipzig. At Freiberg he was charged with the preparation of a geological map of Saxony, which he carried out with the aid of Bernhard von Cotta in 1846. He was a man of encyclopædic knowledge, lucid and fluent as a teacher. Early in life (1821–1822) he travelled in Norway, and his observations on that country, and his subsequent publications on crystallography, mineralogy and geology established his reputation. He was awarded the Wollaston medal by the Geological Society of London in 1868. He died at Leipzig on the 26th of November 1873.


  He published Beitråge zur Kenntniss Norwegens (2 vols., 1824); Lehrbuch der Mineralogie (1828); Lehrbuch der reinen und angewandten Krystallographie (2 vols. and atlas, 1830); Elemente der Mineralogie (1846; ed. 9, 1874; the 10th ed. by F. Zirkel, 1877); Lehrbuch der Geognosie (2 vols. and atlas, 1849–1854, ed. 2, 1858–1872).