[Cadmus Marcellus].  American soldier, born in Wayne County, NC, on the 29th of May 1826; educated at Cumberland College, Nashville, and at the United States Military Academy. He served in the Mexican War and earned the brevet of first lieutenant at the storming of Chapultepec. He served as assistant instructor of tactics at the Military Academy, was made a captain of infantry in 1860, and was on frontier duty in New Mexico at the opening of the Civil War. By turn colonel and brigadier-general in the Confederate army, in 1861 he commanded a brigade in Longstreet’s corps in Virginia, was promoted to be major-general in August, 1863, and commanded a division from then till the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. He received the appointment of chief of the railroad division of the general land-office in Washington, DC, in 1886. He is the author of Rifles and Rifle Practice (1859) and of a History of the Mexican War. He died in Washington, DC, on the 2nd of December 1890.