German Protestant theologian, born on the 11th of May 1848, at Arnstadt, in Thuringia. He studied at Leipzig and Berlin, and in course of time became (1875) professor ordinarius at Giessen. Once a member of Franz Delitzsch’s class, he became a convinced adherent of the newest critical school. In 1881 he founded the Zeitschrift für alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, which he continued to edit; and his critical history of Israel (Geschichte des Volks Israel, 2 vols., 1887–1888; vol. ii. in conjunction with Oscar Holtzmann) has made him very widely known. With C. Siegfried he has revised and edited the Hebrew lexicon, Hebr. Wörterbuch zum Alten Testament (1892–1893). Stade’s other works include Über die alttestamentlichen Vorstellungen vom Zustand nach dem Tode (1877), Lehrbuch der hebr. Grammatik (vol. i., 1879), Ausgewählte akademische Reden und Abhandlungen (1899), and Biblische Theologie des Alten Testaments (1905, &c.). He died on the 6th of December 1906.


  See O. Pfleiderer, Development of Theology (1890).