American general, born at Manchester, VT, graduated at West Point in 1835, and was first lieutenant of dragoons when he resigned in 1839 to become railroad engineer in Northern New York. He was afterwards assistant geologist of that State and in 1842 went to Russia to assist in railroad construction. In 1843 he settled in Iowa and engaged in the practice of law, but the outbreak of the Mexican war called him to arms again. He was made first lieutenant of mounted rifts, and distinguished himself at Chapultepec and Matamores. He was a major of cavalry serving in New Mexico when the Civil War broke out and soon was engaged in defending Fort Craig against Texans under Sibley. In June 1862, he went to Washington and was made brigadier-general and chief of cavalry in Gen. Pope’s army. With that commander he was afterwards sent to Minnesota, but in June 1864, he had command of a division in Louisiana, and afterwards in West Tennessee. He retired from the army in July 1866 and died at Washington, on the 29th of January 1875.