German scholar, born at Breslau, Silesia, on the 11th of April 1804. He was educated at Breslau and at the University of Halle; after traveling, with government help, through Austria, France and England, settled in Rome; was appointed keeper of the secret archives of the Vatican; but was charged by the Jesuits with having furnished documents to the bishop, opposed to infallibility, at the council of the Vatican, and was removed from office in 1870. His very numerous works include Disquisitiones in Præipuas Canonum et Decretalium Collectiones (1836); Le cinque Piaghe della S. chiesa (1849); Documents inédits relatifs aux affaires religieuses de la France, 1750–1800 (1858); Vetera Manumenta Slavorum meridionalium Historiam illustrantia (1863); Vetera Monumenta Poloniæ Gentiumque Finitimarum Historiam illustrantia (1860–64); and Acta genuina ss. oecumenici concilii Tridentini (1874). He died at Civita Vecchia, Italy, on the 10th of August 1874.


  His brother, Johann Anton Theiner, author; born at Breslau on the 15th of December 1799. He was for a while professor of Scriptural exegesis at Breslau; then preached from 1830 to 1845, when he joined the German Catholics; was appointed secretary of the library at Breslau in 1855. He has written Die reformatorischen Bestrebungen in der katholischen Kirche (1845); Enthüllungen über Lehren und Leben der katholischen Geistlichkeit (1862); and with his brother, Die Einführung der erzwungenen Ehelosigkeit bei den christlichen Geistlichen und ihre Folgen (1828). He died at Breslau on the 15th of May 1862.