[Johann Albrecht Friedrich August].  German classical scholar, born at Soest in Westphalia on the 8th of December 1790. After holding educational posts at Jenkau and Danzig, he was director of the Joachimsthal gymnasium in Berlin from 1826 to 1856. He died at Berlin on the 12th of December 1870. He was distinguished in conjectural criticism, the comic writers and Alexandrine poets being his favourite authors.


  His most important works are the following: Graecorum comicorum fragmenta (1839–1857, the first volume of which contains an essay on the development of Greek comedy and an account of its chief representatives); Aristophanes (1860); Analecta alexandrina (1843, containing the fragments of Rhianus, Euphorion, Alexander of Aetolia, and Parthenius); Callimachus (1861); Theocritus, Bion, Moschus (3rd ed., 1856); Alciphron (1853); Strabo (2nd ed., 1866) and Vindiciae strabonianae (1852); Stobaeus (1855–1863); Athenæus (1858–1867). See monographs by F. Ranke (1871), H. Sauppe (1872), and E. Förstemann in Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, XXI. (1885); also Sandys, Hist. Class. Schol. (1908), iii. 117.