English painter, born in London on the 27th of January 1832. In 1846 he entered the art school at Somerset House, his first master being Alfred Stevens, and later entered the Royal Academy schools. Here he met Millais and Holman Hunt, and became one of the pre-Raphaelite group of painters. His first picture, “Musidora,” was hung at the Royal Academy when he was only seventeen, and henceforth he contributed almost annually not only to the Royal Academy but later also to the Grosvenor and New Gallery exhibitions. He also became widely known as an illustrator of books, his work in Good Words for the Young (1869) attracting much attention. With Morris, Rossetti and Burne-Jones he was responsible for the decorations of the hall of the Union Society at Oxford, which have now perished. He died at Kew Green on the 22nd of December 1915.