Cuban mulatto general, born near Barajagua, in Santiago de Cuba. He and his brother José, who was killed in battle in the spring of 1896, enlisted under Gomez and fought through the ten years’ war of liberation, 1868–78, attaining the rank of major-general of cavalry. In 1873 he defeated General Weyler at Guimaro. After the pacification of Zanzon he fought on until compelled to surrender. Escaping from Cuba, he took refuge in Costa Rica, whence he returned in 1888 to Santiago to foment a fresh insurrection. Failing in this he fled again, but on the outbreak of the revolt of February 1895, he and his brother hastened to join the forces of his old commander, Gomez. He participated in the warfare, leading his forces into the province of Pinar del Rio, from which Weyler could not dislodge him. In a skirmish of December 4, 1896, he received mortal wounds and died on the field of battle.