[Anton Alexander].  German painter, born at Frankfort-on-the-Oder, on the 9th of May 1843. He first studied painting at the Berlin Academy, pursued his studies at Carlsruhe, and, having won a travelling scholarship upon the exhibition of his early works, he visited Paris in 1867, and afterwards Italy, where he remained for some time. On his return he received several state commissions, and on the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War in 1870 he was sent with the staff of the third corps d’armée, and stayed in France till the close of the campaign. In 1873 he was appointed professor at the Berlin Academy, of which he afterwards became director. Among his more important works must be named “The Capitulation of Sedan,” “Proclamation of the German Empire at Versailles,” “Moltke before Paris,” “Moltke at Versailles,” “The Meeting of Bismarck and Napoleon III.,” “Christ and the Tribute Money,” “William I. visiting the Tombs,” “The Congress of Berlin,” and some decorations executed in mosaic for the Triumphal Arch at Berlin. Von Werner’s work is chiefly interesting for the historic value of his pictures of the events of the Franco-German War. He died in Berlin on the 3rd of January 1915.


  See Kunst für Alle, vol. i.; Knackfuss, Künstler-Monographieen, No. 9.