Family of eminent German writers. Anton, born at Sinzheim on the 14th of April 1800, occupied, for nearly half a century, the chair of classical philology at Freiburg, where he died on the 28th of March 1876.—His son, Reinhold, born at Freiburg in 1831, attracted much attention by his Thoughts of a Protestant on the Pope’s Invitation (1868), a work which was soon followed by his joining the Roman Catholic Church. His numerous writings embrace many valuable biographies, including those of his father and himself.—Edward, brother of Anton, born at Sinzheim on the 28th of March 1807, devoted himself to the study of political economy, and for some years taught that science in the University of Greifswald and in the Academy of Political Science and Agriculture at Eldena. He was elected to the national assembly after the revolution of 1848, advocated the union of German interests, and was a prominent supporter of Bismarck’s policy. His writings are nearly all upon economic subjects. He died on the 8th of April 1889.