German sculptor and architect, born in Hamburg. Much of his activity as a sculptor was exercised in Warsaw, but in 1694 he was summoned to Berlin. Two years later he began his designs for the rebuilding of the royal palace. The execution of these occupied him from 1699 to 1706, and the palace became a conspicuous example of barocco style in Germany. In 1713 Schlüter went to St. Petersburg, where he did architectural work for Peter the Great. His principal works in Berlin are the monument of the great elector Frederick William and the 21 masks of dying warriors in the courtyard of the arsenal, the tombs of King Frederick I. and his wife, and the marble pulpit in the Marienkirche.


  See C. Gurlitt, Andreas Schlüter (1891); C. F. von Kloeden, Andreas Schlüter (1855).