Mexican physician, soldier and statesman; born at Jiquilpan, in the province of Michoacan, on the 27th of July 1780; died at San Miguel de Allende on the 6th of February 1853. He was physician in the family of Don Félix Maria Calleja, military governor at San Luis Potosi. Presented by his employer with a commission in the San Luis militia, he rose through the successive military grades to the position of general of division, the highest rank in the Mexican army, and became military governor of the interior provinces. In 1829 he headed the revolution, and the following year became vice-president of the republic, exercising the supreme executive power. This position he held until the revolution of 1832 obliged him to resign, and the following year he was banished from Mexico. On the death of Santa Anna he was recalled and elected president of the republic, his term extending from 1837 to 1841. In 1846 he was appointed president of the congress, the last important office held by him.