Anglo-American author, born at Ulverston, Lancashire, England, on the 29th of March 1831. She was educated at the Glasgow, Scotland, high school. She married Robert Barr in 1850 and four years later they emigrated to Texas. There, in 1867, she lost her husband and three sons through yellow fever. In 1869 she removed with her three daughters to New York where she wrote for the Christian Union and other periodicals. She continued to write unceasingly until eighty-six years of age, publishing altogether some seventy-five novels. She died in New York City on the 10th of March 1919.


  Her works include the following: Romance and Reality (1872), Jan Vedder’s Wife (1885), A Bow of Orange Ribbon (1886), A Border Shepherdess (1887), Remember the Alamo (1891), Prisoners of Conscience (1897), Master of His Fate (1901), The Reconstructed Marriage (1910), Playing with Fire (1914), Measure of a Man (1915), The Winning of Lucia (1915), Profit and Loss (1916), Joan (1916), and An Orkney Maid (1917). See also “The Old Piano” and Friend Olivia.