Prince of the Eburones, a tribe of Belgian Gaul. Although Cæsar had freed him from paying tribute to the Aduatuci, he joined Catuvolcus (winter, 54 B.C.) in a rising against the Roman forces under Q. Titurius Sabinus and L. Aurunculeius Cotta, and almost annihilated them. An attack on Quintus Cicero (brother of the orator), then quartered with a legion in the territory of the Nervii, failed owing to the timely appearance of Cæsar. Ambiorix is said to have found safety across the Rhine.


  Cæsar, Bell. Gall. v. 26–51, vi. 29–43, viii. 24; Dio Cassius xl. 7–11; Florus iii. 10.