Bohemian poet, born in Töplitz, on the 15th of October 1822; studied medicine at the University of Prague, but, turning his attention to literature, published his first volume of poems in 1845. He removed in 1846 to Leipsic, where he finished Ziska, an epic poem which met with great success, but, on account of its revolutionary spirit, its sale was prohibited in Austria. To escape arrest he fled to Paris, where he became intimate with Heine. He returned to his native country two years later and published his Recollections of Heinrich Heine. He also wrote several novels; among them, Zwischen Fürst und Volk (1855); Sansara (1858); and Schwarzgelt (1864). His last years were embittered by an unfortunate literary partnership, which drove him to attempt suicide. At length, utterly broken down, he died in Bregenz on the 29th of May 1885.