[1st Baron].  British politician and man of business, born at Derby on the 8th of November 1874. He spent his early years in the United States, and was educated at various American technical schools and colleges. He entered a railway office and had a successful business career, becoming general manager of the Detroit United Railways and the Public Service Railways of New Jersey. In 1910 he returned to England, and took up the position of managing director of the traffic combine which included the Underground Electric Railway Co. and the London General Omnibus Co. In 1914 he was knighted. On the formation of Mr. Lloyd George’s Government in 1916 Sir Albert Stanley was elected to Parliament for Ashton-under-Lyne, being included in the Cabinet as President of the Board of Trade. He was a notable instance of a minister selected as a “business man” and not for any of the usual political considerations. He retained his office until May 1919, when he resigned and was raised to the peerage.