[Albert Gallatin].  American soldier, born on the 14th of February 1829, at Cherry Valley, NY. He served as a lieutenant with the Fourth Indiana volunteers in the Mexican War, and having been honorably discharged in 1848, he became, March 3, 1855, captain in the Second United States cavalry, and rendered gallant service in Indian encounters upon the Texan frontier. During the Civil War he was in command of the cavalry at the engagement of Blackburn’s Ford, and at the first battle of Bull Run. In August 1861, he was appointed colonel of the Ninth Illinois cavalry, and, having served in the campaign in Arkansas, was given commission as major in the First cavalry. In 1863 he was chief of cavalry of the department of the Missouri, and at the close of the war was brevetted colonel. He continued in the service in the West, and, March 20, 1879, then in command of the district of the Yellowstone, was appointed colonel of the Third cavalry. He has written History of the United States Cavalry and General Lane’s Brigade in Central Mexico.