[or Ayeshah, Ayesha].  Mohammed’s favorite wife, born at Medina, A.D. 610 or 611; died there about 678. She was only nine years of age when she was married to the prophet. Ayeshah was beloved so tenderly by Mohammed that he was wont to say that she should be the first of his wives to whom the gates of paradise would be opened. Mohammedan historians state that to her charms of beauty were added a knowledge of mathematics, rhetoric and music. She was accused of adultery; but Mohammed produced a revelation from heaven to the effect that she was innocent, so he punished her accusers, and made it an article of faith that whoever should not believe in her purity should suffer the pains of hell forever. By request, Mohammed in his last illness was taken to the house of Ayeshah, and there expired in her arms. After Mohammed’s death, Ayeshah was active in the plot which deprived Caliph Othman of his power and life, and was leader of a force to resist the accession of Ali. Her forces were defeated by Ali, and she was taken prisoner. Is called by the Moslems “Prophetess” and “Mother of Believers.” The name was also that of the mother of Boabdil the last Moorish king in Spain.