[Gustav Adolph].  German mineralogist, born at Breslau on the 6th of January 1818. After being employed in the Hofmineralien Cabinet at Vienna, he became professor of mineralogy in the university of Zürich. He was distinguished for his researches on mineralogy, crystallography and petrology. He died at Lugano, on the 7th of March 1897.


  PUBLICATIONS.Lehrbuch der reinen Krystallographie (1846); Lehrbuch der Mineralogie (1852 and 1857; 5th ed., 1880); Übersicht der Resultate mineralogischer Forschungen in den Jahren 1844–1865 (7 vols., 1852–1868); Die Minerale der Schweiz (1866); Elemente der Petrographie (1868).