a. (adv.). Obs. or Sc. (UN-1 7.)
13[?]. K. Alis., 6423. The face of heom is playn, and hard, Unlossom is that kynrede.
1393. [see UNLOVELY a. 2].
c. 1420. Chron. Vilod., 4333. He was an vnlofsom page.
1513. Douglas, Æneid, VIII. Prol. 119. With a luik vnlufsum he lent me sik wordis.
1721, 181325. in Sc. glossaries, etc. (in forms unlussum, unloe-, unluesome).
† b. As adv.
c. 1480. Henryson, Bludy Serk, 61. Vnlusum was his likame dicht, His sark was all bludy.