[UN-1 8 + FLESH v.] Not yet stimulated by tasting flesh; fig., untried, inexperienced, new. Also absol.
1542. Udall, Erasm. Apoph., 280. I wil never present an hoste unto ye high capitaine of Roome unfleashed on their enemies.
1611. Speed, Theat. Gt. Brit., 125/1. Some who (like unflesht souldiers) gaue ouer their enterprise without further hope.
163556. Cowley, Davideis, III. 499. With some less Foe thy unflesht valour try.
1692. Dryden, Cleomenes, V. ii. As a generous, unfleshed hound, that hears From far the hunters horn and cheerful cry.
1748. Richardson, Clarissa, VII. 409. I am no unfleshed novice; this [duel] is a sport, that I love as well as my food.
1833. Lytton, Godolphin, 8. Percys heart was full of enterprise and the unfleshed valour of inexperience.
1895. Meredith, Amazing Marriage, ix. Customary phrases of the unfleshed in folly.