[UN-2 4.] trans. To undo the fashion or make of.


1569.  J. Sanford, trans. Agrippa’s Van. Artes, 170 b. They rente our Sauioure Christe in peeces,… and … do facion and vnfacion him into what forme they liste.


1580.  Lupton, Sivqila, 23. Man … doth so disorder and unfashion himselfe, that you wyll not take hym that was laste yeare, to be hymselfe thys yeare.


1611.  Speed, Hist. Gt. Brit., IX. ii. § 10. They to curry fauour with the Normans … altogether vnfashioned themselues to imitate them.


1631.  Quarles, Samson, Wks. (Grosart), II. 149/1. Our sinfull usage does unfashion What heaven hath made, and makes a new creation.